Script - Create Collection - v

A Script that you can use to create a single SCCM Device Collection or create multiple Device Collections based on a file with Collection names in it. The script will also allow you to set the refresh schedule for the collections.

Creates a SCCM Device Collection

Creates a SCCM Device Collection from imput or a list of names in a text file and allows you to set the refresh type

.PARAMETER CollectionName
Name of the collection you want to create 

.PARAMETER CollectionsFile
Use this parameter to specify a list of collection names to create, must be full file path

.PARAMETER LimitingCollection
The Collection you want to limmit the collection members from

When used will load the Powershell Module from the local system rather then the server

Set the SCCM Site Server

Sets the SCCM Site Code

.PARAMETER ScheduleType
Weeks - Sets the Collection to update every x weeks on a spesific days of the week
Days - Sets the Collection to update every x days
Hours - Sets the Collection to update every x Hours
Minutes - Sets teh Collection to update every x Minutes
Continuous - sets the Collection to update Incrementally

Create-Collection.ps1 -SiteServer -Collctionname "Testing Collection" SRV-SCCM -SiteCode MSN -LimmitingCollection "All Desktops" -ScheduleType "Hours"
Creates a Collection Named Testing Collection with alimmiting Collection of All Desktops that will refresh hourly. 

Created By: Kris Gross
Twitter: @kmgamd



#checks to see if CollectionName and CollectionsFile are both being used 
if (($CollectionName) -and ($CollectionsFile)) {Write-Error "Cannot use both CollectionName and CollectionsFile paramiters"}
#checks is the script should load the local PowerShell Module
if ($LoadLocal -eq "$True") 
    Set-Location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\'
    Import-Module .\ConfigurationManager.psd1 -verbose:$false   
    Import-Module \\$SiteServer\SMS_$SiteCode\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1 -verbose:$false
#Sets the loacation to the SCCM Site so the script can run
$site = $SiteCode + ":"
Set-Location $site
#Sets the Schedule based on the ScheduleType parameter
If ($Scheduletype -eq "Hours") 
    $Hours = Read-Host "How many hourse between refreshe"
    $Schedule = New-CMSchedule -RecurInterval Hours -RecurCount $Hours

If ($Scheduletype -eq "Days") 
    $Days = Read-Host "How many days between refreshe"
    $Schedule = New-CMSchedule -RecurInterval Days -RecurCount $Days

If ($Scheduletype -eq "Weeks") 
    $DayOfWeek = Read-Host "Day of the week for reshresh"
    $WeeksBetween = Read-Host "Weeks between refresh"
    $Schedule = New-CMSchedule -Start "01/01/2014 9:00 PM" -DayOfWeek $DayOfWeek -RecurCount $WeeksBetween

If ($Scheduletype -eq "Minutes") 
    $Minutes = Read-Host "How many minutes between refreshe"
    $Schedule = New-CMSchedule -RecurInterval Minutes -RecurCount $Minutes
#If ether the CollectionName or CollectionsFile parameter are used then will run
if ((!($CollectionName)) -or (!($CollectionsFile)))
        If ($CollectionsFile)
            $CollectionsFromFile = Get-Content "$CollectionsFile"
            If ($ScheduleType -eq "Continuous")
                Foreach ($Collection in ($CollectionsFromFile))
                    New-CmDeviceCollection -Name "$Collection" -LimitingCollectionName "$LimitingCollection" -RefreshType Continuous
                Foreach ($Collection in ($CollectionsFromFile))
                    New-CmDeviceCollection -Name "$Collection" -LimitingCollectionName "$LimitingCollection" -RefreshSchedule $Schedule

        IF (!($CollectionsFile))
            If ($ScheduleType -eq "Continuous") 
                New-CmDeviceCollection -Name "$CollectionName" -LimitingCollectionName "$LimitingCollection" -RefreshType Continuous
                New-CmDeviceCollection -Name "$CollectionName" -LimitingCollectionName "$LimitingCollection" -RefreshSchedule $Schedule
#Changes the location back to where the script was ran from
Set-Location $PSScriptRoot


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