Advanced software install wrapper script

SCCM is able to do a lot but sometimes you need to sometimes you need to Install software uninstall the old version move some config files then remove a old shortcut and this all needs to be done as an application deployment. By default SCCM isn't able to handle all of that as an application deployment so you will need a scrip to do it. A while ago I was given a scrip that dose all of that and more the script was old and not all part of it functioned  so I doctored it up and made it a little more user friendly. The scrip is called Install-Wrapper.ps1 is very easy to use enter the appropriate information under Software Information

and uncommnet the actions you want to run.

Then in SCCM create an Application for the script and for the install parameter enter.

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile  -File Install-Wrapper.ps1

The msi file should also be in the same folder as the script.

If you need to deploy multiple applications with the script you can use the Multi-Install script from here.

Install software with SCCM

This script is meant to be used with SCCM to do advanced installs that require configuration or other special 
actions that SCCM doesn’t do easily. With this script you can Install new software, uninstall old software, 
remove a shortcut and run various software configurations. The script will log all aspects to 

To use the script enter the corresponding information for the variables under Software Information and at the 
bottom of the script uncomment the actions you need to perform The Install-Software function currently only works with msi files.

Created By: Kris Gross
Twitter: @kmgamd

You can get updates to this script and others from here

# Software Information
$SoftwareTitle = "Google Chrome"
$SoftwareVersion = "57.0.2987.98"
$SoftwareInstallFile = "googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi"
$SoftwareSetupSyntax = "/qn"
# This is used to uninstall old software to get this infromation run
# Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name
$UninstallAPPID = "{AFD7A60B-D384-335B-AFD8-48F4ED8072C2}"

$Computername = $env:computername
$CCMPath = "$ENV:windir\CCM"
$MiniNTPath = "$env:SystemDrive\MININT\SMSOSD"
$CCMPath = "$env:windir\ccm"
$PublicDesktop = "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop"
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$LogFile = "$CCMPath\Logs\ConfigMgrOps.log"

$OSType = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OSArchitecture
If ($OSType -eq "64-bit") {$WinSysFolder = "SysWow64"} Else {$WinSysFolder = "System32"}
$Returncode = 0

function New-LogFile() 
    $LogFilePaths =  "$LogFile", "$MiniNTPath\Logs\ConfigMgrOps.log","$env:TEMP\ConfigMgrOps.log"
    Foreach ($LogFilePath in $LogFilePaths) 
        $script:NewLogError = $null
        $script:ConfigMgrLogFile = $LogFilePath
        Add-LogEntry "********************************************************************************************************************" "1"
        Add-LogEntry "Log file successfully intialized for $ScriptName." 1
        If (-Not($script:NewLogError)) { break }
    If ($script:NewLogError) 
        $script:Returncode = 1
        Exit $script:Returncode
function Add-LogEntry ($LogMessage, $Messagetype) 
    # Date and time is set to the CMTrace standard
    # The Number after the log message in each function corisponts to the message type
    # 1 is info
    # 2 is a warning
    # 3 is a error
    Add-Content $script:ConfigMgrLogFile "<![LOG[$LogMessage]LOG]!><time=`"$((Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss)+".000+300")`" date=`"$(Get-Date -format MM-dd-yyyy)`" component=`"$ScriptName`" context=`"`" type=`"$Messagetype`" thread=`"`" file=`"powershell.exe`">"  -Errorvariable script:NewLogError

function Exit-Script() 
    Add-LogEntry "Closing the log file for $ScriptName." "1"
    Add-LogEntry "********************************************************************************************************************" "1"
    Exit $script:Returncode    

function Uninstall-OldVersions() 
    #Some software where will not install with out a reboot after uninstalling the old software
    Add-LogEntry "Uninstalling old versions of the software." "1"
    IF (!(Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object IdentifyingNumber -EQ $UninstallAPPID)) 
        Add-LogEntry "WARNING: old software not found on computer" "2"
        Start-Process $env:windir\$WinSysFolder\msiexec.exe "/x $UninstallAPPID /qn /norestart" -PassThru | Wait-Process -Timeout 600
    IF (Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object IdentifyingNumber -EQ $UninstallAPPID) 
        Add-LogEntry "ERROR: old software not uninstalled" "3"

function Install-Software() 
    If ($SoftwareInstallFile.EndsWith(".msi")) 
        $SoftwareFilePath = "$env:windir\$winsysfolder\msiexec.exe"
        $SoftwareSetupSyntax = "/i " + """" + $PSScriptroot + "\" + $SoftwareInstallFile + """ " + $SoftwareSetupSyntax
        $SoftwareFilePath = "$PSScriptroot\$SoftwareInstallFile"
    Add-LogEntry "Attempting to install software $SoftwareTitle, $SoftwareVersion" "1"

    If (Test-Path $SoftwareFilePath) 
        Add-LogEntry "Disabling open file security warning" "1"
        # Only functional on PS 3+; can also modify the zone identifier or set SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
        Unblock-File -Path $SoftwareFilePath | Out-Null
        Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\cmd.exe" "/c echo.>""$SoftwareFilePath"":Zone.Identifier"
        Add-LogEntry "Running command line: `"$SoftwareFilePath`" $SoftwareSetupSyntax" "1"
        $Result = Start-Process $SoftwareFilePath $SoftwareSetupSyntax -PassThru ; $Result | Wait-Process -Timeout 900
        # $i = 0 ; Do { Start-Sleep 2 ; $i++ } Until ((Get-Process vstor_redist | Stop-Process -Force -PassThru) -or $i -gt 60)
        $script:Returncode = ($Result).ExitCode
        Add-LogEntry "Finished running command line." "1"
        $script:Returncode = "1"
        Add-LogEntry "ERROR: File path $SoftwareFilePath doesn't appear to exist." "3"

function Verify-Install() 
    If ($script:Returncode -eq "0") 
        Add-LogEntry "$SoftwareTitle, $SoftwareVersion appears to have installed successfully." "1" 
    If ($script:Returncode -eq "3010") 
        Add-LogEntry "WARNING: $SoftwareTitle, $SoftwareVersion appears to have installed successfully but a reboot is required." "2" 
    IF (($script:Returncode -NE "0") -or ($script:Returncode -eq "3010"))
        Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Return code $script:Returncode" "3"
        Add-LogEntry "ERROR: There was a problem while installing $SoftwareTitle, $SoftwareVersion " "3"
        Exit $script:Returncode 

function Remove-Shortcuts() 
    Add-LogEntry "Attempting to remove shortcuts from public desktop." "1"
    $ShortcutFile = "$PublicDesktop\$SoftwareTitle.lnk"
    Add-LogEntry "Searching for $ShortcutFile" "1"
    If (Test-Path $ShortcutFile) 
        Add-LogEntry "File exists, removing." "1"
        Remove-Item $ShortcutFile
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        If (Test-Path $ShortcutFile) {Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Shortcut not removed" "3"}
        Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Shortcut not found on computer" "2"

 # Use this function to do misc configuration, such as copying config. files
function Install-SoftwareConfiguration()
    Add-LogEntry "Starting post install configs." "1"
# Update ConfigMgr Hardware Inventory
function Get-HardwareInventory() 
    $SMSClient = [wmiclass] "\\$env:COMPUTERNAME\root\ccm:SMS_Client"
    Add-LogEntry "Running Hardware Inventory." "1"

#Actions: Uncomment the actions you want to run



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