Multi-Software Install Wrapper
Yesterday, I released a script, Install-Wrapper.ps1, that allows you to do more with a SCCM Application Deployment then just a single task. The Install-Wrapper script will only run a single application install and yes you could modify the scrip to do more but I found it much easier to use another script. The Multi-Software Install Wrapper script allows you to plug the Install-Wrapper script into it and install software in an order or stop the process if an install fails.
The only part of the script you need to modify to use it is under the variables to set section of the script. The $Installs variable is where you will enter the name of the Install-Wrapper scripts that are to be part of this application deployment. Again the Install-Wrapper script should be in the same content folder as the Multi-Software Install Wrapper script. The other variable, $ExitOnFail will determine if the script should stop if the other install scripts fail. If you want the script to stop on an error change $ExitOnFail to $True.
Then just like with the Install-Wrapper script you create an application for the script. You will use the following for the install command.
The only part of the script you need to modify to use it is under the variables to set section of the script. The $Installs variable is where you will enter the name of the Install-Wrapper scripts that are to be part of this application deployment. Again the Install-Wrapper script should be in the same content folder as the Multi-Software Install Wrapper script. The other variable, $ExitOnFail will determine if the script should stop if the other install scripts fail. If you want the script to stop on an error change $ExitOnFail to $True.
Then just like with the Install-Wrapper script you create an application for the script. You will use the following for the install command.
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File Multi-Install-Wrapper.ps1
<# .SYNOPSIS Install software with SCCM .DESCRIPTION This Scrip it meant to be used with my Install-Wrapper Script. You can get that script from This script will allow you to install multiple peaces of software. To use the script first create a script for each of your software installs using the Install-Wrapper script. Then add each script name to the Installs variable in the order they need to be installed in. Then if you need the script to stop if an install fails change the ExitOnfail variable to $True. .NOTES Created By: Kris Gross Contact: Twitter: @kmgamd Version .LINK You can get updates to this script and others from here #> #Variables to set #Do not use spaces in the filenames $Installs = "Install-1.ps1","Install-2.ps1","Install-3.ps1" #Change this to $True if you wan the script to stop if one of the $Installs fails $ExitOnFail = $False $Computername = $env:computername $CCMPath = "$ENV:windir\CCM" $MiniNTPath = "$env:SystemDrive\MININT\SMSOSD" $CCMPath = "$env:windir\ccm" $PublicDesktop = "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop" $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $LogFile = "$CCMPath\Logs\ConfigMgrOps.log" $OSType = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OSArchitecture If ($OSType -eq "64-bit") {$WinSysFolder = "SysWow64"} Else {$WinSysFolder = "System32"} $Returncode = 0 function New-LogFile() { $LogFilePaths = "$LogFile", "$MiniNTPath\Logs\ConfigMgrOps.log","$env:TEMP\ConfigMgrOps.log" Foreach ($LogFilePath in $LogFilePaths) { $script:NewLogError = $null $script:ConfigMgrLogFile = $LogFilePath Add-LogEntry "Log file successfully intialized for $ScriptName." 1 If (-Not($script:NewLogError)) { break } } If ($script:NewLogError) { $script:Returncode = 1 Exit $script:Returncode } } function Add-LogEntry ($LogMessage, $Messagetype) { # Date and time is set to the CMTrace standard # The Number after the log message in each function corisponts to the message type # 1 is info # 2 is a warning # 3 is a error Add-Content $script:ConfigMgrLogFile "<![LOG[$LogMessage]LOG]!><time=`"$((Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss)+".000+300")`" date=`"$(Get-Date -format MM-dd-yyyy)`" component=`"$ScriptName`" context=`"`" type=`"$Messagetype`" thread=`"`" file=`"powershell.exe`">" -Errorvariable script:NewLogError } function Exit-Script() { Remove-Item env:SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS Add-LogEntry "Closing the log file for $ScriptName." "1" Add-LogEntry "******************************************************************************************************************************************************" "1" Exit $script:Returncode } function Install-Software { forEach ($Install in $Installs) { Add-LogEntry "Starting Install $Install" "1" Invoke-Expression .\"$Install" IF ($ExitOnFail) { IF ($LASTEXITCODE -NE 0) { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: $Install Failed" "3" Exit-Script } } } } New-LogFile Install-Software
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