SCCM Client Health Check
This script will check components used by the SCCM client
and if an issue is found it will attempt to fix the issue.
1. Looks to see if the the client is installed, if not it
will install the client from the specified location.
2. Next the script will check the startup type and status
of services needed for SCCM
3. Runs specific client actions to verify they are working
4. Checks to see if basic WMI queries are working and that
the SCCM name space is working.
5. If an issue is found that can be resolved by reinstalling
the SCCM client this will happen last. The scrip will also
look for any reaming client files and remove them to be sure
there are no corrupted files left behind.
This script is best used in a Scheduled task deployed via a GPO
1. Looks to see if the the client is installed, if not it
will install the client from the specified location.
2. Next the script will check the startup type and status
of services needed for SCCM
3. Runs specific client actions to verify they are working
4. Checks to see if basic WMI queries are working and that
the SCCM name space is working.
5. If an issue is found that can be resolved by reinstalling
the SCCM client this will happen last. The scrip will also
look for any reaming client files and remove them to be sure
there are no corrupted files left behind.
This script is best used in a Scheduled task deployed via a GPO
<# .SYNOPSIS SCCM client health check and repair .DESCRIPTION This script will check components used by the SCCM client and if an issue is found it will attempt to fix the issue. 1. Looks to see if the the client is installed, if not it will install the client from the specified location. 2. Next the script will check the startup type and status of services needed for SCCM 3. Runs specific client actions to verify they are working 4. Checks to see if basic WMI queries are working and that the SCCM name space is working. 5. If an issue is found that can be resolved by reinstalling the SCCM client this will happen last. The scrip will also look for any reaming client files and remove them to be sure there are no corrupted files left behind. .NOTES Created By: Kris Gross Contact: Twitter: @kmgamd Version .LINK You can get updates to this script and others from here #> ### Variables that can be changed ### # Location of the SCCM Client install files $SCCMClientLocation = "\\Server\Tech\Applications\CT1Client\Client" # Log file the script writes to $LogFile = "$ENV:windir\SCCMClientHealthCheck.log" # Not recomended to change these variables # $CCMPath = "$ENV:windir\CCM" $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $Computername = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME # Creates a new log file for the script # function New-LogFile { $LogFilePaths = "$LogFile" Foreach ($LogFilePath in $LogFilePaths) { $script:NewLogError = $null $script:ConfigMgrLogFile = $LogFilePath Add-LogEntry "********************************************************************************************************************" "1" Add-LogEntry "Starting SCCM Client Health Check" "1" If (-Not($script:NewLogError)) { break } } If ($script:NewLogError) { $script:Returncode = 1 Exit $script:Returncode } } # Logs the status of the script in a CMtrace format # function Add-LogEntry ($LogMessage, $Messagetype) { # Date and time is set to the CMTrace standard # The Number after the log message in each function corisponts to the message type # 1 is info # 2 is a warning # 3 is a error Add-Content $script:ConfigMgrLogFile "<![LOG[$LogMessage]LOG]!><time=`"$((Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss)+".000+300")`" date=`"$(Get-Date -format MM-dd-yyyy)`" component=`"$ScriptName`" context=`"`" type=`"$Messagetype`" thread=`"`" file=`"powershell.exe`">" -Errorvariable script:NewLogError } #Closes the log file and exits the script# function Exit-Script() { Remove-Item env:SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS Add-LogEntry "Closing the log file for $ScriptName." "1" Add-LogEntry "********************************************************************************************************************" "1" Exit $script:Returncode } # Check if SCCM Client is installed # Function Get-ClientInstalled { Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking if SCCM Client is installed" "1" If (Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client") { Add-LogEntry "SCCM Client is installed" "1" } If (!(Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client")) { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: SCCM Clinet is not installed" "2" Add-LogEntry "SCCM Client will be installed after other checks have been completed" "1" $Global:InstallClient = "True" } } # Installs SCCM Client # Function Install-SCCMClient { Add-LogEntry "SCCM Client Install" IF ($Global:InstallClient -eq "True") { Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" IF (Test-path -Path $CCMPath) { Add-LogEntry "SCCM client install files found" "1" Add-LogEntry "Removing old client install files" "1" Remove-Item -Path C:\Windows\ccmsetup -Recurse -Force start-sleep -Seconds 10 IF (Test-Path -Path C:\Windows\ccmsetup) {Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Could not remove ccmsetup folder" "2"} Add-LogEntry "Running SCCM Client uninstall" "1" $UninstallClient = @" @ECHO off ECHO Uninstalling the old client...Please Wait %1\ccmsetup.exe /Uninstall :start tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq ccmsetup.exe" | find /i "ccmsetup.exe" >> null IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO running IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO end :running goto start :end ECHO uninstall Complete exit cmd.exe "@ Add-Content $Env:TEMP\UninstallClient.bat $UninstallClient Invoke-Expression "$Env:TEMP\UninstallClient.bat $SCCMClientLocation" Remove-Item "$Env:TEMP\UninstallClient.bat" If (Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not uninstall SCCM Client" "3" } If (!(Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client")) { Add-LogEntry "SCCM Client successfully uninstalled" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Remove leftover client files" Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 Remove-Item C:\Windows\ccmcache -Recurse -Force Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 IF (Test-Path -Path C:\Windows\ccmcache) { Add-LogEntry "Could not remove ccmcache folder" "2"} Remove-Item $CCMPath -Recurse -Force Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 IF (Test-Path -Path $CCMPath) { Add-LogEntry "Could not remove CCM folder" "2"} } Add-LogEntry "Running SCCM Client Install" "1" $InstallClientScript = @" @ECHO off ECHO Installing the new client...Please Wait %1\ccmsetup.exe DNSSUFFIX=city.thornton.local SMSSITECODE=CT1 CCMLOGLEVEL=0 CCMLOGMAXSIZE=16000000 CCMLOGMAXHISTORY=1 CCMDEBUGLOGGING=0 SMSCACHSIZE=25600 :start tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq ccmsetup.exe" | find /i "ccmsetup.exe" >> null IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO running IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO end :running goto start :end ECHO Install Complete exit cmd.exe "@ Add-Content $Env:TEMP\InstallClient.bat $InstallClientScript Invoke-Expression "$Env:TEMP\InstallClient.bat $SCCMClientLocation" Remove-Item "$Env:TEMP\InstallClient.bat" If (!(Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client")) { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not install SCCM Client" "3" } If (Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client") { Add-LogEntry "SCCM Client successfully installed" "1" Add-LogEntry "Running Machine Policy Cycle" $SMSClient = [wmiclass] "\\$env:COMPUTERNAME\root\ccm:SMS_Client" $SMSClient.TriggerSchedule("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}") $Global:InstallClient = "False" } If ($Global:CheckWMI -eq "True") { if(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client) { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: SCCM WMI was repaired" "1" } else { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: SCCM WMI was not repaired" "3" } } } } # Check if dependent services are running and set them to correct startup type # Function Get-DependentServices { If ($Global:InstallClient -ne "True") { Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking startup type of CcmExec" "1" IF ((Get-Service "CcmExec").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: CcmExec Service needs to be set to Automatic" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to change start type to Automatic" "1" Set-Service "CcmExec" -StartupType "Automatic" IF ((Get-Service "CcmExec").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not change start type" "3" } IF ((Get-Service "CcmExec").StartType -eq "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: CcmExec service start type was set to Automatic" "1" } } else { Add-LogEntry "CcmExec Service startup type is correct" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Checking status of Ccmexec service" "1" if((Get-Service -Name "ccmexec").Status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: CCMExec service stopped" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to startng CCMExec Service " "1" Start-Service -Name CcmExec start-Sleep -Seconds 10 if((Get-Service -Name "ccmexec").Status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not start CCMExec Service" "3" } if((Get-Service -Name "ccmexec").Status -ne "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: started CcmExec Service" } } Else { Add-LogEntry "Ccmexec service is running" "1" } } Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking startup type of BITS service" "1" IF ((Get-Service "BITS").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: BITS Service needs to be set to Automatic" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to change startup type to Automatic" "1" Set-Service "BITS" -StartupType "Automatic" IF ((Get-Service "BITS").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not change startup type" "3" } IF ((Get-Service "BITS").StartType -eq "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: BITS service startup type was set to Automatic" } } else { Add-LogEntry "BITS service startup is set correctly" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Checking status of BITS service" "1" if((Get-Service -Name "BITS").status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: BITS Service Stopped" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to start BITS Service" "1" Start-Service -Name "BITS" start-Sleep -Seconds 10 if((Get-Service -Name "BITS").status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not start BITS Service" "3" } if((Get-Service -Name "BITS").status -ne "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: started BITS Service" "1" } } else { Add-LogEntry "BITS Service is started" "1" } Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking startup type of wuauserv service" "1" IF ((Get-Service "wuauserv").StartType -ne "Manual") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Wuauserv Service needs to be set to Manual" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to change start type to Manual" "1" Set-Service "wuauserv" -StartupType "Manual" IF ((Get-Service "wuauserv").StartType -ne "Manual") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not change start type" "3" } IF ((Get-Service "wuauserv").StartType -eq "Manual") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: wuauserv service start type was set to Manual" } } else { Add-LogEntry "Wuauserv Service startup type is correct" "1" } Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking startup type of Winmgmt service" "1" IF ((Get-Service "Winmgmt").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Winmgmt Service needs to be set to Automatic" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to change start type to Automatic" "1" Set-Service "Winmgmt" -StartupType "Automatic" IF ((Get-Service "Winmgmt").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not change start type" "3" } IF ((Get-Service "Winmgmt").StartType -eq "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: Winmgmt service startup type set to Automatic" } } else { Add-LogEntry "Winmgmt service startuptype correctly set" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Checking status of Winmgmt service" "1" if((Get-Service -Name "Winmgmt").status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Winmgmt Service Stopped" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to start Winmgmt Service" "1" Start-Service -Name "Winmgmt" start-Sleep -Seconds 10 if((Get-Service -Name "Winmgmt").status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not start Winmgmt Service" "3" } if((Get-Service -Name "Winmgmt").status -ne "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: Winmgmt Service started" "1" } } else { Add-LogEntry "Winmgmt service is running" "1" } Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking startup type of RemoteRegistry service" "1" IF ((Get-Service "RemoteRegistry").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: RemoteRegistry Service needs to be set to Automatic" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to change startup type to Automatic" "1" Set-Service "RemoteRegistry" -StartupType "Automatic" IF ((Get-Service "RemoteRegistry").StartType -ne "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not change start type" "3" } IF ((Get-Service "RemoteRegistry").StartType -eq "Automatic") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: RemoteRegistry service start type set to Automatic" } } else { Add-LogEntry "RemoteRegistry service startup type correctly set" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Checking status of RemoteRegistry service" "1" if((Get-Service -Name "RemoteRegistry").status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: RemoteRegistry Service Stopped" "2" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to start RemoteRegistry Service" "1" Start-Service -Name "RemoteRegistry" start-Sleep -Seconds 10 if((Get-Service -Name "RemoteRegistry").status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not start RemoteRegistry Service" "3" } if((Get-Service -Name "RemoteRegistry").status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: started RemoteRegistry Service" "1" } } else { Add-LogEntry "RemoteRegistry service started" "1" } } # check if scan cycles are working # Function Get-ClientActionsStatus { IF ($Global:InstallClient -ne "True") { Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" $MachinePolicyRetrievalEvaluation = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}" $SoftwareUpdatesDeployment = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000108}" $ApplicationDeployment = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121}" If (Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Where-Object Name -EQ "Configuration Manager Client") { $machine_status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $MachinePolicyRetrievalEvaluation IF($machine_status) { Add-LogEntry "Machine Policy Retrieval Evaluation Action is working correctly" "1" } IF (!($machine_status)) { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Machine Policy Retrieval Evaluation Action is not working correctly" "2" Add-LogEntry "This will be resolved by reinstalling the SCCM Client" $Global:InstallClient = "True" } $SoftwareUpdate_status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $SoftwareUpdatesDeployment IF($SoftwareUpdate_status) { Add-LogEntry "Software Update Deployment Action is working correctly" "1" } IF(!($softwareUpdate_status)) { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Software Update Deployment Action is not working correctly" "2" Add-LogEntry "This will be resolved by reinstalling the SCCM Client" $Global:InstallClient = "True" } $ApplicationDeployment_Status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $ApplicationDeployment IF($ApplicationDeployment_Status) { Add-LogEntry "Application Deployment Action is working correctly" } IF(!($ApplicationDeployment_Status)) { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: Application Deployment Action is not working correctly" "2" Add-LogEntry "This will be resolved by reinstalling the SCCM Client" $Global:InstallClient = "True" } } } } # Checks if WMI is working correctly # Function Get-WMIStatus { Add-LogEntry "---------------------------" "1" Add-LogEntry "Checking status of WMI" "1" IF ($Global:InstallClient -eq "True") { Add-LogEntry "SCCM Client set to be reinstalled, will not check SCCM WMI" "1" if((Get-WmiObject win32_ComputerSystem) -and (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem) -and (Get-WmiObject win32_Service)) {$WMIStatus = "Good"} } IF ($Global:InstallClient -ne "True") { if((Get-WmiObject win32_ComputerSystem) -and (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem) -and (Get-WmiObject win32_Service) -and (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client)) {$WMIStatus = "Good"} } if($WMIStatus -eq "Good") { Add-LogEntry "WMI Seems to be working correctly" "1" } else { Add-LogEntry "WARNING: One or more WMI classes are corrupted" "2" IF ($Global:InstallClient -ne "True") {Add-LogEntry "WARNING: SCCM Client will need to be reinstalled" "2"} Add-LogEntry "Attempting to repair WMI" "1" $DependentServices = Get-Service winmgmt -DependentServices | Where-Object Status -eq "Running" IF ((Get-Service CcmExec).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "Attempting to stop CcmExec Service" "1" Stop-Service "CcmExec" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 IF ((Get-Service CcmExec).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not stop CcmExec service" "3" Add-LogEntry "It is not recommened to continue with WMI repair proccess, Stopping Script" "2" Exit-Script } } IF ((Get-Service Winmgmt).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "Attempting to stop winmgmt Service" "1" Stop-Service "winmgmt" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 IF ((Get-Service Winmgmt).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not stop winmgmt service" "3" Add-LogEntry "It is not recommened to continue with WMI repair proccess, Stopping Script" "2" Exit-Script } } IF ((Get-Service wmiApSrv).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "Attempting to stop wmiApSrv Service" "1" Stop-Service "wmiApSrv" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 IF ((Get-Service wmiApSrv).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not stop wmiApSrv Service" "3" Add-LogEntry "It is not recommened to continue with WMI repair proccess, Stopping Script" "2" Exit-Script } } Foreach ($Service in $DependentServices) { IF ((Get-Service $Service).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "Attempting to stop $Service Service" "1" Stop-Service "$Service" -Force -ErrorAction Start-Sleep 10 IF ((Get-Service $Service).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not stop $Service service" "3" Add-LogEntry "It is not recommened to continue with WMI repair proccess, Stopping Script" "2" Exit-Script } } } Add-LogEntry "All Services stopped, Repairing WMI" "1" & ($ENV:SystemRoot+"\system32\wbem\winmgmt.exe") /resetrepository & ($ENV:SystemRoot+"\system32\wbem\winmgmt.exe") /salvagerepository Add-LogEntry "Completed running the repaire process" "1" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart services needed for WMI" "1" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart Winmgmt service" "1" Start-Service "Winmgmt" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 IF ((Get-Service Winmgmt).Status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not restart winmgmt service" "3" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart winmgmt service in 10 seconds" "1" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 Start-Service "Winmgmt" IF ((Get-Service Winmgmt).Status -eq "Running") { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: Winmgmt service is now running" "1"} } Else { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: Winmgmt service is now running" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart wmiApSrv service" "1" Start-Service "wmiApSrv" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 IF ((Get-Service wmiApSrv).Status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not restart wmiapSrv service" "3" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart wimApSrv service in 10 seconds" "1" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 Start-Service "wmiApSrv" IF ((Get-Service wmiApSrv).Status -eq "Running") {Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: wmiApSrv service is now running" "1"} } else { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: wmiApSrv service is now running" "1" } Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart WmiPrvSE service" "1" Start-Service "WmiPrvSE" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 IF ((Get-Service WmiPrvSE).Status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not restart WmiPrvSE service" "3" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart WmiPrvSE service in 10 seconds" "1" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 Start-Service "WmiPrvSE" IF ((Get-Service WmiPrvSE).Status -eq "Running") {Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: WmiPrvSE service is now running" "1"} } else { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: WmiPrvSE service is now running" "1" } Foreach ($Service in $DependentServices) { Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart $Service service" "1" Start-Service $Service Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 IF ((Get-Service "$Service").Status -eq "Stopped") { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Could not restart $Service" "3" Add-LogEntry "Attempting to restart $Service service in 10 seconds" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 Start-Service $Service IF ((Get-Service "$Service").Status -eq "Running") {Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: $Service service is now running" "1"} } else { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: $Service service is now running" "1" } } $Global:InstallClient = "True" if((Get-WmiObject win32_ComputerSystem) -and (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem) -and (Get-WmiObject win32_Service)) { Add-LogEntry "SUCCESS: Standard WMI has been repaired" "1" Add-LogEntry "Will Check SCCM WMI after client install" "1" Add-LogEntry "Reinstalling the SCCM Client to repair the SCCM part of WMI" "1" $Global:CheckWMI = "True" } else { Add-LogEntry "ERROR: Standard WMI was not repaired" "3" Add-LogEntry "Will chack SCCM WMI after client install however further action may be needed to further repaire this device" Add-LogEntry "Reinstalling the SCCM Client to repair the SCCM part of WMI" "1" $Global:CheckWMI = "True" } } } #################################### # Runs the functions of the script # # If you need to only run part of the script comment out the lines you dont need New-LogFile Get-ClientInstalled Get-DependentServices Get-ClientActionsStatus Get-WMIStatus Install-SCCMClient Exit-Script
I'm testing the script on workstations.
ReplyDeleteVariables specified. And the script works wonderfully if the Client's source path variable points to local storage or to a network orb that is hosted anywhere except CCM.
If I point the source of the Client folder to C, then the download starts and even the executable file is downloaded, but it hangs on .cab, with error code 5.
"Failed to access source file (5). Waiting for retry..."
Naturally, the Security rights and balls have already been checked. I also executed the script from under the CCM service account, with elevated rights.
Separately, I checked and prescribed line 184 in the script, with the installation parameters.
Moreover, if you restart the workstation, the client will be installed correctly, but the script, of course, will not finish working correctly.
Who can point in the right direction?
If I point the source of the Client folder to CCM, then the download starts and even the executable file is downloaded, but it hangs on .cab, with error code 5.
ReplyDeleteThere are a few issues that could be happening chances are your permissions to cab file are not correct on the sccm client share. I have had numerous issues with this in the recent years, Go directly to the cab file and be sure the account you are running the script as has read, write and modify permissions to all the files in the client folder from your share.
DeleteHello mate, nice post
ReplyDeleteHello mate ggreat blog post