Advanced SCCM Install Wrapper Scripts
SCCM is able to do a lot but sometimes you need to sometimes you need to Install software uninstall the old version move some config files then remove a old shortcut and this all needs to be done as an application deployment. By default SCCM isn't able to handle all of that as an application deployment so you will need a scrip to do it. A while ago I was given a scrip that dose all of that and more the script was old and not all parts of it functioned so I doctored it up and made it a little more user friendly. The scrip is called Install-Wrapper.ps1 is very easy to use. You can get all the scripts from HERE To start enter the appropriate information under Software Information and uncommnet the actions you want to run. Then in SCCM create an Application for the script and for the install parameter enter. powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File Install-Wrapper.ps1 The msi file should also be in the same folder as the script. If yo...