
Build a custom Windows PE disk with a easy to use GUI interface. PEBuilder is an application that allows you to build a PE image the way you want it. You can enable PowerShell and other components with a simple click of a check box. You can also add your own compatible application right to the image. The tool is simply a GUI over top of my PEBuilder PowerShell script. That way if you still would prefer to use the PowerShell script you can do so.

Download PEBuilder

Below is a list of applications that will by default be added to the Windows PE image. You can remove these from the GUI or add your own. Just click add app and point to the containing folder. 

 What Application are included

The install comes with files needed to build my own rescue disk. You can use these files as a template to create your own.

PowerShell support 

If you add PowerShell it will work just like any other PowerShell console though it will not load a user profile that is why the add PowerShell profile script is in the profile.ps1 format.

Bitlocker support

When you add bitlocker support the corresponding PE components get added to the image. Part of these components should be the addition of the mangae-bde.exe tool this exe is what allowes you to interact with a encrypted decice. However the tools resource files do not get added to the image by default. To resolve this I have the PEBuilder copy the needed files from the device the image is being built on. The draw back is that the OS you are building on needs to match the PE image architecture. So if you are building a x86 PE image, to add bitlocker support you need to be building on a x86 OS.

Add Components 

You can use this button to add any additional components that you would need for your WinPE image. you can get more information on component packages from HERE

PEBuilder Change log


  • Updated CopyTool with new version (
  • Fixed an issue that would stop the iso file from being created if a path was not specified 
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent DiskCommnd from running in WinPE
  • Added Support for ADK 1803
    • Windows 7 devices running PEBuilder will still be using 1709
  • Added WMF 5.1 detection for devices running windows 7
  • Added Windows ADK detection to GUI  
  • Add a option to remove windows ADK when uninstalling PEBuilder
  • You no longer have to uninstall old versions of PEBuilder when installing a new version



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Win10 version of the scrip to correctly create ISO files and burn to usb drive 

  • Fixed a issue that would not allow the end error display in user selected color



  • Added Support for Windows 7
  • Changed the CopyPE function to work completely in the script and not write to temp
  • Updated the PEBuilder.exe
    • Now Requires admin rights 
    • Sets the PowerShell execution policy to bypass
  • Reworked the process that creates a ISO and burn WinPE to a USB drive


  • Added the ability to have BrowsForFolder .net Support in application, Some application that show a folder list would not always show this was due to a missing dll and registry keys in WinPE
    • Added a copy function to the PEbuilder script to copy the needed dll
    • Added a few lines to the  PowerShell Profile to add the needed keys these keys are not accessible when the image is offline so you must load them on each startup 
  • Added a add addition components button that allows you to add more components then the presets for PowerShell and Bitlocker. 
  • Fixed  a issue that would stop the image from being dismounted if another image was already mounted
  • Reworked the process to save to a iso file
    • You can now choose the location you want the iso to be save to 
    • If the file already exist it will save the file with a number increment 
  • Fixed a issue that prevented ProduKey from launching with its run command
  • Added my CSV Viewer application 
  • Added my CopyTool application
  • Added my Disk Command application
  • Added a GUI overlay to the PEBuilder PowerShell script 
  • Added options to enable Bitlocker Support
    • There is an error in the required files being added the image from Microsoft. To fix this I have made it so the script copies the files from the build computer the mounted image file.  
  • Various switch parameters have been changed to strings  
  • Packaged PEBuilder into a proper installer
  • Add a Show-Help function 
    • when you enter Show-Help you will see what commands have been added with the PowerShell profile 
  • Added Support or bitlocker by using mange-bde.exe from X:\windows\Bitlocker

  • Removed recuva until something can be found that will work in WinPE
  • Added a PowerShell profile that will inclused functions to run the build in tools
    • To use a tool like cmtrace type Run-CmTrace
  • Added a function to backup files to a zip file archive 
    • Backup-ToZip -Target <whattobackup> -Destination <backupfile>
  • Added a function to securely wipe a drive 
    • Wipe-Drive -Drive E
  • Removed the launch batch files in place of PowerShell profile functions
  • Moved built in apps to an apps directory located on the root of the system drive
  • Added the Apply-Image command to install a windows wim file on a computer

PEBuilder Requirements

Recommended flash drives for WinPE

Corsair Survivor 16gb
Kingston DataTraveler 16gb


  1. I can not use PE Builder v3.2.2.2. I install it and when I run it, a window appears asking me to close the program or find a solution. This I have done and I did not get any results. Also the title of that window says PE Builder v The reason for the error is
    "Signature with problems:
    Name of the problem event: APPCRASH
    Application name: PEBuilderGUI.exe
    Application version:
    Application timestamp: 5a6f8aef
    Module name with errors: KERNELBASE.dll
    Module version with errors: 6.1.7601.23539
    Module time stamp with errors: 57c99bd4
    Exception code: e0434352
    Exception shift: 000000000001a06d
    Operating system version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 14346
    Additional information 1: 152d
    Additional Information 2: 152d49a18dcb45231bb1c1efff527c4d
    Additional information 3: a64f
    Additional information 4: a64f0e24f9745f5d229d01121f62a3ba

    Read our online privacy statement:

    If the online privacy statement is not available, read the privacy statement offline:
    C: \ Windows \ system32 \ en-ES \ erofflps.txt "
    I do not understand any of this, can you help me?

    1. I havent seen this before either, What OS are you on and do previous versions work for you ?

    2. Make sure you have .Net 4.5 installed aswell

    3. 297/5000
      Install the NET Framework 4.0.30319 that I requested when installing the program because it would not be installed otherwise.
      It's the first time I try to install it.
      My operating system is
      Windos 7 Ultimate X64
      HD 160 GB
      MEMORY 4 Gb
      Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66 _Ghz
      I appreciate your answers

    4. ok, I am testing some things in windows 7 and will let you know in the mean time you can run PEBuilderGUI.ps1 from an administrator powershell console to use PEBuilder. The exe is just a wrapper to launch that script.

    5. I was able to recreate the issue, you need to have windows management framework 5.1 installed to resolve it

    6. I appreciate very much, but very much, your concern to help me in this matter. But I've tried to follow your instructions, but I still can not make it work.
      I do not know scripting, and maybe that's what does not allow me to run PEBbuilder.
      I have tried from power shell both x86 and x64 to execute the files that you indicated to me but I have not managed to make it work.
      I do not want to make you lose more time, but I will be eternally grateful for your intention to help me

    7. I have just put out a beta to supply windows 7 support you can get a zip of the app here

      As long as you have .net 4.0 and Windows Management framework 5.1 installed you should be good

    8. Hello,

      The builder is accountable only with English?



    9. in complement for the previous message



    10. Yes im sorry at this time it only works in English

    11. Good evening,

      I managed to make it work, I installed the English pack.

      on the other hand, the iso are not bootable.




    12. Hello,

      your diskcommand application does not work

      see the screenshot




    13. Disk Comamnd:
      You need to set the powershell execution policy you either bypass or unrestricted if you use the built in powershell profile then this will be set for you

      Nonbootable dirve: How are you creating the drive are you creating an ISO then burning to the drive or are you using the burn to usb feature in PEBuilder?

    14. Hello,

      I found the thing for powershell after writing my comment on the blog.

      yes I used pebuilder for the creation of iso.




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